Growing Fish...

Hi Becca. :)

I am going to agree with pretty much everyone else on this thread. All fish need a tank that will be able to house them at their adult size...period. You also have to take into account the other fish that you have. The one inch per gallon method is a good rule to follow. Putting a fish in a tank that is too small for him or her will stunt its growth, cause deformities, and greatly reduce their lifespan.

Sorry if that came across harsh...I'm just trying to give you the facts. :)
Ruby Shark said:
The one inch per gallon method is a good rule to follow.
IMO, only for fish that stay under 3" and don't have unusual body shapes (wide or flat bodies). Otherwise it sort of falls apart as the fish get larger.
You are right...there are always exceptions but nonetheless it's a good rule for her to follow.
yeah, that's what I thought.

I know about the common pleco, though I don't know if the pleco I have is common or not. I'm only assuming he is and I'm in the works for finding a good home for him (as well as the knife fish...)

Newbie mistakes. :/ I should just pull those fish from my signature, lol. Seems like every post I make I usually get someone mentionign that I shouldn't have them in my tank. :D

I was that the LFS the other day and saw a full-grown Common Pleco. Those are some big fish. Definitely something that I'm not sure I want / can keep. I'd like to replace the pleco (whether common or not) with a few cories, I looked them up on liveaquaria and they're cute as a button!
I'm 99% sure it's a Common you have. There are few others besides Bristlenose, which are obvious by their bristles, in the trade for cheap.
u dont have to get rid of havin a pleco full stop becca.

you could as stated get one that stays small, iv got 3 bristle nose (2 in one tank and 1 in another) they dont grow too big.

there are also other plecos that stay roughly the same size :)

and dont worry, we have all made mistakes along the way, and some of us still do..

not one of us on here can say they do everything perfectly and always have done, no matter how much they correct u.
Yeah, no one has done this flawlessly so don't sweat it. The Bristles stay around 6" and there are some slightly more to very expensive Plecos who don't reach past 3" though these are often ones to be special ordered and may need special conditions.
Maybe you could trade the pleco for some otos, they eat algae and have a similiar body type but stay small, about the size of a cory.
Sorry guys if I sounded a little beat - just having an all around icky day. Waiting - desperately - for this day to be over so I can get home. :)

If there's one thing that I love about this board is no one just says "YOU SHOULDN'T DO THAT" - they give you reasons to avoid things and help provide alternatives. :)
Becca said:
I'd like to replace the pleco (whether common or not) with a few cories, I looked them up on liveaquaria and they're cute as a button!
they are as cute as two buttons! what kind of cories were you thinking of? i had panda cories and they were the greatest things ever.
I made the same mistakes when i started out too! I bought two bala sharks as babies for my 30 gallon. I soon had to upgrade to a 55 gallon, and now to a 150 gallon or more! :rofl:

Cories are one of my faves. i have 2 skunk corys and they are adorable!

But as everyone already mentioned if you have algae the otos are a great replacement!
Becca said:
If there's one thing that I love about this board is no one just says "YOU SHOULDN'T DO THAT" - they give you reasons to avoid things and help provide alternatives. :)
I agree with that, except for the fact that asking one simple question on here does seem to lead to about 1000 more questions, because people suggest all the different alternatives that you never thought of!!!
ddm18 said:
Becca said:
If there's one thing that I love about this board is no one just says "YOU SHOULDN'T DO THAT" - they give you reasons to avoid things and help provide alternatives. :)
I agree with that, except for the fact that asking one simple question on here does seem to lead to about 1000 more questions, because people suggest all the different alternatives that you never thought of!!!
Yes, i agree and its that type of experience and knowledge and different ways of doing things that make this site very unique. Not everyone swears by the same solution but they offer what has worked for them and leave it to you to decide what would be best in your situation. I have been at this a long time and learn something here everyday, whether its by advice that people give or a question that makes you hit the books to find an answer that someone desperately needs. Yes, this is a fabulous place and its the people that make it that way. :thumbs:

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