Fish Addict
Ahh, I see now- both re: the pheromones and the tank.
Wuv, I totally understand preferring small tanks with regards to water changes . . . I guess it's just cause when I'm at school, most of my social life is limited to my closest friends who drop by my dorm room, rather than anything going on outside of it, that I really have no problem with spending an hour or so on just a couple tanks. I can, however, completely see that normal people with normal lives would actually have something else to do with that hour
I'm sorry about the hijack too, Clover
) Hehe, we now return to our previously-scheduled topic 
Wuv, I totally understand preferring small tanks with regards to water changes . . . I guess it's just cause when I'm at school, most of my social life is limited to my closest friends who drop by my dorm room, rather than anything going on outside of it, that I really have no problem with spending an hour or so on just a couple tanks. I can, however, completely see that normal people with normal lives would actually have something else to do with that hour

I'm sorry about the hijack too, Clover