Grouromi educates a molly

Zak Ursulo

New Member
Sep 6, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburg, CA USA!
I just got 2 black mollys for my tank completing my population limit. The mollys took right to the rest of the fishy family. Without any agression till this morning. My Grouromi named bubba (he is the biggest fish in the tank) has a hang out in my log he stays in there and peeks out everyonce in awhile. Short version, grouromi does not like sharing his hole with anyone thats HIS HOLE even the other Grouromi wont even go in there. Molly sneaks in the back door/molly meets bubba in his hidey hole/bubba explains the situation to molly/molly understands. Peace resumes again. :thumbs:

molly gratuates :) no damage done.. lol :teacher:

molly and bubba now friends (ive seen them hanging out together) :drink:
Glad nothing bad happened! My gouramis can be big jerks!
I've been thinking about getting a gourami. Are they ok with barbs.........tigers, rosy and golds? I want one red flame male........or should I get 2 males.I do not want babies.
I want one red flame male........or should I get 2 males.I
2 males might be aggressive and territorial so it could be a problem. I have a pair of neon blue dwarf gouramis, one male, one female. The male is not remotely aggressive towards any other fish, although he does harass the female sometimes! Nothing too serious, she's just a bit of a tease :* . If you don't have any plants that trail along the surface of the water or if the surface of the water is agitated, by bubbles for example, then you are unlikely to get babies because the male won't be able to create a proper bubble nest.
i have the opposite....i have two dwarf gouramis and a molly and two swordtails...the swordtails are fine but I noticed last night the molly just chasing the biggest of the dwarf gouramis around..nipping at him....nothing major just a pain in the fin....i was hoping the gourami would turn and show who is bigger...but he just kept swimming...

I hope the learn to settle down or goodbye molly, back to the fish store
My Gouromi's are the most interesting fish in my tank.. sometimes they have "slap fights" with eachother those feeler things they have are just hillarious :fun:
i have 2 gold gouramies and 2 opline, all males is think in 60g. tank they are in with 3 parrots, 7 banana barbs and 6 lrg danios, they all get along great, some times the opline have a scuffle, and the one parrot breaks it up, it's something to watch.

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