Gross Fish Flakes


Fish Fanatic
Jun 5, 2010
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My new betta I got four days ago hates his flakes. He only eats the bits of shrimp and blood worms that are in the bottle, and there are hardly any in there.

Today, he's eating like one flake every now and then, but he spits every other flake out. One flake isn't enough for him for the day.

He just swims up to the flakes, looks closely at them, pauses, looks at me, then swims away.

So, I need more options. Do I call up the Walmart and ask what they were feeding him before? Do I buy him betta pellets (and soak before feeding)?

Can bettas live on blood worms alone? I'm thinking I should really cave in and give him what he wants.

This is the food he hates

The flakes smell like bacon. If I didn't have a sensitive stomach i'd taste a flake to see what he's going on about.
This is exactly what I feed both of my betta's. He will eventually get hungry enough to eat it, but if you just got him most betta's won't eat very much in the beginning anyways. Mine went a whole week when I first got them and now they both have 3 flakes a day, substituted by a de-shelled pea twice a week. If you really want to you could get him something else, but in my opinion flakes are just as good as pellets and easier to digest as long as they are quality flakes. Good luck :good:
try some freeze dried blood worm
or live brine shrimp or frozen
brine shrimp and like you say
Betta pellets he sound like a
dainty diner to me only the best
for him :lol:
Mine won't eat flakes or pellets. Period. I wasn't going to do the whole "wait until he's hungry enough to eat" control game with my betta. Instead, I gave in. I feed him frozen blood worms and daphnia only now. He always eats those. :good:
I feed mine pellets, flakes, and bloodworms. So yes, bettas can eat bloodworms.

But, can they live on it alone, as their only means of nutrients?

Oh, he's still spitting his flakes out.
i would go for tetramin
or something along those
lines a good high quality
Does he eat anything else? Most people suggest a variety of foods for betta's, mostly because their digestive system is very delicate and they get bloated easily. Try just bloodworms and a cooked de-shelled pea every now and again but limit your portions, and if he gets bloated too often look into adding more foods. As for the flakes, trying getting them to sink somehow, or some type of movement. My filter floats them around on the top until they eventually sink and my bettas love to chase them.
He's eating it more now. I have another issue, but i'll just make another topic for that, if that's okay?
I feed mine pellets, flakes, and bloodworms. So yes, bettas can eat bloodworms.

But, can they live on it alone, as their only means of nutrients?

Oh, he's still spitting his flakes out.
Which one are you talking about? It's better to have a mixed diet for your betta. And mine spit out his flakes at first but then he finally started eating them. They can be picky at first.
He's loving his flakes more and more.
I asked if he could live on the worms alone, but I haven't an issue now.
He just needs artificial plants now.
He's loving his flakes more and more.
I asked if he could live on the worms alone, but I haven't an issue now.
He just needs artificial plants now.

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