*gripe* Mom...

Tell her that people who rent out rooms usually at least have the luxury of deciding what furniture to put in their space. Personally I've never thought it fair at all for parents to expect their children to pay rent... YOU gave birth to it, it's YOUR responsibility until it moves out!! That said, I think that expecting you to completely redecorate your room, which YOU are paying to live in, is a completely unfair expectation. Maybe you shouldn't threaten to move out, maybe you actually SHOULD move out :p
IMO, most rented places come furnished, and no landlord I've ever used has ever offered to change his furniture for my fish tanks; nor have I rented from someone who would be happy about more than one tank, a great dane, and birds. Move out, and you're likely in for a bit of a shock. You're 18, by the sounds of it, your Mums house is full of your tanks; no other flatmate or landlord would be likely to put up with that.
Seriously, I think you need to discuss a solution with your Mum, maybe move more of your tanks into your room - one thing is, she probablly didn't object when you bought the tanks in the first place, so she'll no doubt be willing to find some kind of middle ground.
if she wants to build all this stuff and move your fish tanks then u have to let her. You can build your own stands rather cheap so if she wants to move all your stuff you you can build stands for your tanks. Also did you explain to her the effects of moving a tank on teh fish. Tell her that you put a lot of time and money into your tanks and dont want to risk losing all that time and money by moving the tanks.
Believe me if it was realistic for me to move out I would have done it already. I make $800 a month working full time and minimum apartments are $900. I live in a very expensive area of Ca. If I got a roommate in an apartment I wouldn't be able to have tanks anyway ya know? Plus I got a rat and birds (mom is getting rid of my birds too btw).

And about that whole room thing, I don't have a room. Heh... I've actually never had my own room. :huh: Our house is only 600sq ft. So ya, my tanks really do take over the whole house.

The moving all the tanks into one big tank is also a great idea which I've though about many times, but our floor cant support anything larger than a 30 :rolleyes:. We live in my great grandma's house so it's not exactly state of the art. I think if I stood next to a 55 me and it would fall through the floor. :p

I pretty much have everything figured out, I just have to get a better stand for my 30 and figure out where to put my 10.
hellooooooooooo. Build a stand or two. My 55 gallon stand was 40$ and i still have leftover materials.
I'd say sell.
If its really like that.....then maybe just let some go....

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