Grindal worms


Fish Gatherer
Tank of the Month 🏆
Aug 3, 2022
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One of the easiest live foods to culture. This is a great starter option for live food. Let's talk about them.

I use plastic food containers. I cut holes in the top for air then tape pieces of coffee filter over them to keep critters out. Inside I use coconut fiber for medium. About an inch. I got some plastic disks off Amazon for collecting the worms. Some people use plastic mesh. Some people use green cleaning pads as a culture medium. I tried it and didn't get the best results.
I feed mine mostly premium kitten food. Sometimes I give them a vegetable based flake fish food. Or rolled oats.
I put the food under the plastic disks. A lot of worms stick to those disks. So at feeding time, I dip the disks in a bowl of water then use a pipette to feed my fish. Couldn't be easier.

This is a fairly new culture. There will be a lot more worms soon.



I culture mine on scrubber pads, with weekly mistings. They climb out onto inverted petrie dishes.
The only medium I would recommend against is peat moss. Not that it doesn't work. It's that it's not good for the environment.
I found coconut coir and dirt slimed up quickly compared to the scrubbers. Their downside is they don't retain moisture as well. I used peat before we'd considered the problem, and it was on par with coir. But I won't go there again.

The bottom line is that white and grindal worms are rich foods, but excellent ones for any fish breeder. I don't have access to blackworms, but grindals are great for stimulating egg production.

You just have to keep mites out of the cultures. That can be frustrating.
You just have to keep mites out of the cultures. That can be frustrating.
I lost my first cultures to mites. I couldn't figure it out. I keep the cultures sealed up pretty well. Then I realized. I kept the dry kitten food that I feed them in the original bag clipped with a clothespin. Not exactly air tight. The mites hitchhiked in on the food. So I got an airtight container to keep their food in. Haven't had a problem with them since/
Sometimes when I feed my worms, I'll get distracted and leave the lid off the food container for a while. When that happens I just put it in the freezer overnight to kill any mites that might have gotten in there. Haven't had a problem with them since.
I had an issue with tiny flies that got in no matter what. I managed to eliminate them before the winter. I imagine next summer, I'll have to be vigilant. They come from outside.

I haven't had mites for a bit. It's a reason why I chose a substrate I can take out and rinse.
I use coconut coir and vermiculite in a 50 / 50 mix . The vermiculite makes the coir less dense and prone to compacting and holding excess water . I use plastic laid on top to collect the worms but I’m changing over to glass . The plastic gets a weird film on it that’s hard to clean off . It doesn’t hurt anything , it just bugs me . Once every two weeks I thoroughly mix my cultures up with a fork . I think this eliminates anaerobic spots . The medium is shallow and the worms bounce back in a couple days . I feed bread cut up into 1/4 inch squares and soaked with water . This tends to mold when the room temperature rises but since I feed several of these small pieces I can remove the moldy ones and leave the others . I watch how fast the bread disappears . There’s a fine line between over and under feeding . That , to me , is the only tricky thing with Grindal worms and maybe maintaining the right dampness of the medium . I’ve never had mites or other pests in my cultures and this may be due to my changing half the culture medium every three months . Smell your cultures every time you open them and be alert for a change in the smell . It should always smell like fresh coconut coir .
I use coconut coir and vermiculite in a 50 / 50 mix . The vermiculite makes the coir less dense and prone to compacting and holding excess water . I use plastic laid on top to collect the worms but I’m changing over to glass . The plastic gets a weird film on it that’s hard to clean off . It doesn’t hurt anything , it just bugs me . Once every two weeks I thoroughly mix my cultures up with a fork . I think this eliminates anaerobic spots . The medium is shallow and the worms bounce back in a couple days . I feed bread cut up into 1/4 inch squares and soaked with water . This tends to mold when the room temperature rises but since I feed several of these small pieces I can remove the moldy ones and leave the others . I watch how fast the bread disappears . There’s a fine line between over and under feeding . That , to me , is the only tricky thing with Grindal worms and maybe maintaining the right dampness of the medium . I’ve never had mites or other pests in my cultures and this may be due to my changing half the culture medium every three months . Smell your cultures every time you open them and be alert for a change in the smell . It should always smell like fresh coconut coir .
I'm going to try stirring one up.
I had one that developed mold. So I took the moldy pieces out and it actually seemed to extend the life of the culture.
I'm going to try stirring one up.
I got the idea from my micro- worm cultures . I stir those up every other day . The Grindal’s need it to keep their medium fresh . That’s my own idea that occurred to me when I wondered if they are producing worm castings like other worms . That worm waste might be the cause of the excess moisture that creeps in . Red worms in vermiculture produce that liquid worm tea and I wonder if something similar is going on with the Grindal’s . That’s also why I remove a third to a half of the medium every three months and replace it with fresh . You can also use the old stuff to start a new culture . I keep three cultures going but I’m beginning to think six might be better because I could not harvest any one culture too often and let the population build up . I could feed Grindal’s every day and the fish would love it .
Anyone else using coconut fiber? Specifically those bricks? Are there any tricks for breaking off smaller pieces of the bricks? I saw away with a serrated knife until I can break a piece off by hand.
Anyone else using coconut fiber? Specifically those bricks? Are there any tricks for breaking off smaller pieces of the bricks? I saw away with a serrated knife until I can break a piece off by hand.
I use coconut coir . I got a ten pound block from Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm and I break off however much I need . If it’s too much I store it in gallon size zip lock bags .

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