Greetings From Wisconsin!


New Member
May 3, 2014
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New member here but not to owning fish. I have always had a fish tank or 6 in my house. I recently stopped with the tanks, for about 2 or 3 years, sold them and the fish went to the pet store. I am now back at it, owning a 20 gallon tank. Started with goldfish and a clown pleco. Sold the goldfish because I enjoy a tank that "moves". Got some guppies and a few mystery snails. The pleco was sold because of his size, he cracked the shells of 2 jade males. They lasted about a month after that accident and recently died.  I am currently battling bacterial bloom in my tank and have read pretty much, all of the information here about that. This was the reason for signing up :)
I wasn't sure if this site was still going or not, I have been reading articles on bacterial bloom from 2008/2009. But now I see up to date posts on just about everything.
Off to read some more!
to TFF! Hope you enjoy it here.
Great to see another Wisconsinite! Welcome!
Welcome! I found my self constantly on this site for advice before I finally signed up. These guys(and gals) have been lifesavers with my first tank. Hope you enjoy it here!

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