Greetings All


New Member
Apr 16, 2009
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Just a quick hello,
I'm relativly new to fish husbandry ( started in nov 08). My new found passion for all information in my new hobby was started by the tragic death of my first load of fish. Like thousands of new keepers i went to a LPS and just bought them not knowing much and the shop assistant didnt know anything either. All went wrong and since then ive made sure i research the hell out of something before i here i am.
PS i have a female molly in 20 L (i know they should be kept with other mollies but she is ober agressive) i have enough room to fit a small school of mountin minnows? and is there any chance she will simple eat them?
The tank is planted and fully matured
Just a quick hello,
I'm relativly new to fish husbandry ( started in nov 08). My new found passion for all information in my new hobby was started by the tragic death of my first load of fish. Like thousands of new keepers i went to a LPS and just bought them not knowing much and the shop assistant didnt know anything either. All went wrong and since then ive made sure i research the hell out of something before i here i am.
PS i have a female molly in 20 L (i know they should be kept with other mollies but she is ober agressive) i have enough room to fit a small school of mountin minnows? and is there any chance she will simple eat them?
The tank is planted and fully matured

I am pretty sure Mollies like a little bit of salt in their water....and if she is aggressive then it might not be a good idea to put fish in with her that are generally docile. Mollies like it warmer than White clouds normally do also but it can be managed temperature-wise. I would go with something other than white clouds but that's just me. Anyone else have any ideas on this?
white clouds are active fish, and are unsuitable for a 20 litre, mollies are also unsuitable for a 20 litre, so either upgrade, or take her back

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