Green Water

leave the lights on for at least 12 hours a day. thats how I got infested
I have been doing close to 16 hours at 3 WPG and am having a hard time getting enough to feed the daphnia.
Throw in some fresh grass clippings or liquid fertilizer. If that's not enough, leave the lights overnight.

Something I learned the hard way: Either keep the daphnia tank in a separate room from where you grow greenwater, or put a couple minnows in the greenwater tank. They seem to be able to cross pretty wide gaps between tanks somehow and will wipe out the greenwater. Once they're in there, you have to get them out or they'll eat the algae faster than you can grow it.
I am trying to keep a daphnia culture going and am having a hard time keeping enough green water growing to keep them fed. They use green water algae as a preferred food.
I use several cultures/ containers for growing live food. I start a new container every few weeks and let them go green and soupy before adding some live daphnia/ rotifers to the new culture. You can also have several green water cultures running and simply transfer green water to the daphnia tank.
Most labs have 24hour lighting on green water cultures.
god Colin, I can't think of a finer stop off for a TFF member on an Australian vacation than to see your operation :lol:

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