I Have a bad case of green water. About the tank:
Photoperiod was 12 hours, then after green water I reduced to 9 hours, now I've reduced it to 8. 164 watts over a 75 gallon tank. Plants are anacharis, amazon sword, giant vallis, wisteria. Lightly planted. 33% water change per week normally. More recently after attempting a blackout I did a 50% change before and 50% change after. The plants are actually doing rather poorly, low growth, browning leaves etc.
I feed daily, try to keep it light. Sometimes I feed vegetables but remove them the next day to prevent spoiling.
After attempting a blackout the fogginess was reduced quite a bit but it started coming back pretty quickly the very next day. I'm trying 25% daily water changes with 8 hour photoperiod now but would really like suggestions if theres a better course of action.
Photoperiod was 12 hours, then after green water I reduced to 9 hours, now I've reduced it to 8. 164 watts over a 75 gallon tank. Plants are anacharis, amazon sword, giant vallis, wisteria. Lightly planted. 33% water change per week normally. More recently after attempting a blackout I did a 50% change before and 50% change after. The plants are actually doing rather poorly, low growth, browning leaves etc.
I feed daily, try to keep it light. Sometimes I feed vegetables but remove them the next day to prevent spoiling.
After attempting a blackout the fogginess was reduced quite a bit but it started coming back pretty quickly the very next day. I'm trying 25% daily water changes with 8 hour photoperiod now but would really like suggestions if theres a better course of action.