Green Tree Frogs


I am Nemo!!
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
i already asked this in the houshold pets section but got no reply. ive been thinking of getting one so i just want info on them. i basicly need what kind of set would be best?, can they be kept alone in a 10 gal terrarium?, what the daily routine is like for thier care?, whats best to feed them with?, do i need a heater or a heating lamp or anything like that?, and anything else you guys think i should know. all your help will be appreciated.
i already asked this in the houshold pets section but got no reply. ive been thinking of getting one so i just want info on them. i basicly need what kind of set would be best?, can they be kept alone in a 10 gal terrarium?, what the daily routine is like for thier care?, whats best to feed them with?, do i need a heater or a heating lamp or anything like that?, and anything else you guys think i should know. all your help will be appreciated.

10 gallon would be perfect. I kept mine with a dumpy tree frog and they loved eachother. Fresh water, crickets and attention. This doesnt go for all frogs but mine LOOOVED to be held. I kept them on my shoulder, shirt, hand, head, anything. Be warned-green tree frogs are fast. If you do decide to get a dumpy to go with him, they are slow- and cute. Make sure to clean the water tray out and clean out their poop too. Get a seperate small tank for crickets. In the cricket tank put a wet sponge/paper towel (make sure it stays damn) and an empty papertowel roll, or egg crates. I think u can throw some kind of plant in there with them, i forget. There should be a heat lamp, resembling your average fish tank light. Lights off at night and make sure u keep them warm. If your room is freezing and its getting close to bed time, id suggest turning the heat up. They do smell a little. Ummmm Im not sure if they get any special treats, every once in awhile u can catch a fly or moth and toss it in the cage but some flies carry diseases. Meal worms I think work too. I had these frogs about 7 years ago so Im trying to remember. If they are jus hanging out and their skin looks dry, spray them with water. Just get a cheap spray bottle and make sure its on mist. Refill the bottle with fresh water every day. Sometimes they get dry and whatnot so just mist them. Um, make sure the water dish is big enough for them to lay in, they like to bathe. Thats about it, if I remember anything else Ill let you know, and if u have any other questions just ask

edits- Make sure u wash ur hands/face/wherever the frog lands before and after handling him. Also, make sure the lit fits type as obviously these guys can get out. Never leave the lid open, even if u are just cleaning unless u are in the mood to catch him. For my crickets they actually have like weird tube like wire things that u keep crickets in and if u turn it a certain way some crickets can fall right out of it into the tank. Im sure they have these at any pet store.
thanks a lot. what kind of set up did you have. i read that they like fine bark mulch with tree branches and lots of plants for hiding. did you have to spend a lot of time with them everyday or just a few min to give them food and fresh water? also i read that you should clean out the cage weekly and replace the bark mulch every now and then. is this true?

btw my mom wants me to make sure i know what im getting into so i dont rush out and get one and end up making a mistake.
thanks a lot. what kind of set up did you have. i read that they like fine bark mulch with tree branches and lots of plants for hiding. did you have to spend a lot of time with them everyday or just a few min to give them food and fresh water? also i read that you should clean out the cage weekly and replace the bark mulch every now and then. is this true?

btw my mom wants me to make sure i know what im getting into so i dont rush out and get one and end up making a mistake.

I had a 10 gallon with branches and i think mulch on the bottom, i honestly cant remember. I was about 11 years old and had no life so i spent constant time with them. They were my friends lol Freddie and Elvis ( i didnt name him, the store did) Im sure itd be good to show them attention with plenty of time like 3 times a week. Like I said no allll frogs like to be held. Mine loved it, they didnt jump, and i jus sat there and misted them and put them on my wall and see who got to the top faster. Can I remind you that I had no life. Im sure itd be good to replace the mulch but not too often. Yeah clean out the cage-scoop out the poop, freshen up the water bowls. My frogs didnt like to hide, I had lifelike branches with leaves and a cave but they stayed out in the open. If you walk around petsmart or petco or a store like that you can look at their set ups, even though they arent the best stores, I can say the ones near me have really good frog set ups.
10 gallon is the smallest tank you can get away with 15 is better (which can house 3-4 frogs), being tree frogs mean that they also prefer a reasonable amount of height - taller rather than longer, it needs good ventilation (a screen lid should do), foliage as well as bark, sticks etc. Crickets should be gut loaded and sprinkled with calcium twice a week. a water dish large enough for the frogs to get into (1 -2 inchs of water deep) should be changed everyday, always use dechlorinated water (best to leave it out for at least 24 hours) for changing water dish and misting. Mist the substrate and plants, not the frog directly. The are nocternal, so don't need a light, though remember they should never get cold.
ive seen heating matts that go under the mulch or what ever. can i use one of these to keep the cage warm?

also what would i feed the crickets to make sure the frog is getting the proper nuitrition?
I feed my crickets flaked fish food (making sure they have water) it is a balanced diet that they seem to like. Be careful with heat mats, never put them inside the tank as the animal can burn themselves on them, place it under one end of the tank (so the frog can move itself to warmer and cooler as it likes, or a heat lamp (you can get nocternal ones which I think would be better for nocternal frogs), though make sure it has a protector so the frog can't burn itself.

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