Green Tiger Botia (botia Helodes)


Fish Fanatic
Nov 26, 2006
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Hey, I am planning to get Green Tiger Botia (Botia Helodes).
They grow to about 4 inches and will do fine in a 30 gal. My tank isn't really well-planted, but has a decent amoutn of fake plants, and I soon will be getting pots, and bogwood, providing enough cover.
Currently in the tank I have 1 black skirt tetra, 4 lemon tetra, 6 neon tetras, and am planning to get a trio of german blue rams.
Would a group (maybe 4) of Green Tiger Botia (Botia Helodes) do fine in the tank. My substrate is gravel, not sand.
And since im in this section, would any type of rainbow fish also be compatible in the tank?
Thx in advance :D
one of the more aggressive botias]/i] especialy when kept in to small a group.
the size stated is dubious at best. I have one that is at 5" and one that is nearer 6".

having said that. this is a stunning loach and they have just as much personality as clowns,
they are however as suceptiable to excess slimecoat as clowns are to ich.
Dont do it.... - really nice fish to look at.

An absolute 'monster' towards other fish... we had 2 - we had them for 2 days.

the first day they hunted in a pair and bit most of the other inhabitants of our 4ft tank... we then rounded them up and put them on breeding net to return to the store... they both escaped and took 3 hours to catch again the next day. meanwhile they attacked everything again!

I also had a problem with a similiar loach of the same genius, Syncrossus beauforti (Botia beauforti) and they were super nasty. I had to take them back in 2 days because I had no where to put them. This genius of loaches definately dont belong in a community tank. They are better off with other more aggressive species like Syncrossus and some of the Yasuhikotakia. All are great loaches, but just seem to be a little more aggressive then the others, although some people have success with them.

Good Luck :good:
A good, and pretty loach. :nod:

You could check into Botia kubotai, Botia dario, or Botia striata. All grow to around the 5" mark and are not as nasty as the other ones you mentioned. Botia striata is probably your best bet. They are a great little loach and very colorful. Just remember all these loaches need to be in groups, especially the B. kubotai. They can get aggressive at times too if not kept in a group. Here are some links:

Good Luck :good:

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