Green Tiger Barbs...


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York, USA
I was at the pet store the other day and fell in love with the green tiger barbs they had. But I don't believe that I can feesably put any of them in my tanks, but just to be sure I'd like to have your opinions. All of the fish and my tanks are listed in my signature. Please tell me if there's anyway I can get the green tiger barbs. Thank you.
Im afraid you cant really put them in your tanks, as far as im aware green tiger barbs are just a color variation from normal tiger barbs and otherwise have the same personality and requirements- i think 30gals is the usual minimum for tiger barbs due to their activity levels :thumbs: .
I agree unfortunatley you cann'ot They are pretty bad fin nippers although if you keep at least 6-8 of them they will usually leave the other fish alone. I would say minimum 30G.

I have eight green barbs in my tank, with the only worry my swordtail but to be honest they do not bothe it.

Go get yourself another tank because I agree they are great fish to keep.
as said greens are the same as stripey tiger barbs & they need a long tank to be happy, they also will nip flowing fins and also its best to keep 6+ in a group that way they will spread their aggression out amongst themselves & are then usually far to busy chasing eachother to bother anything else.

if you end up getting a 55g tank that would be ideal for them ( as long as its not a hex/tall tank - they need the length to swim ie: like in a 4ft long tank)

your tanks are too small at the moment & those pretty betta fins would be much too tempting for any green tigers :no:

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