Green Guppies


Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2009
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East Wenatchee, Washington USA
I waited for a few years to get my hands on what I thought were two green guppy females. They were honestly the only thing in the area I could find in realtion to green AND guppy due to my remote location up in the mountains. I searched and looked, snagged the two females and have now been sitting through and waiting for the first two sets of dropped fry to mature. Somehow, between two feemales, I ended up with under 20 maturing fry (after losing a few), and, oddly enough, two conjoined twins that freeswam and ate for almost a month before they passed away. Even stranger? ALL of my current fry are female.

It was a week after they dropped that I started to see strong black triangles at the base of their tails, followed in the next few weeks by a distinguished yellow/green shade on the bulk of the caudal fin. One-that I thought was a female-is starting to look a little odd and I'm wondering if she is really a slow maturing HE due to an obvious blue and rather long dorsal fin. I was wondering if anybody here may have experience with green guppies and have anything to share on the development and early expression of those genetics?
I don't know much about green guppies,but young guppies will usually resemble females until they reach maturity or later :)
Until a guppy is at least 3/4 inch long or maybe even a bit bigger, all guppies look like females. The gonopodium, tail size and intense coloring of a male all do not really start to develop until they are approaching maturity. The 20 fry means that many of your fry were lost very early since a single guppy will produce more than that in one drop. Chances are fairly good they were eaten if the females were together during the whole process.
Those two females are notorious for giving me small drops. The smallest to date was six and the largest was twenty. Sometimes I think they're doing this just to watch me pace back and forth like a new parent!

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