Green Foods For Fish


Fish Crazy
May 19, 2010
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Well atm I feed my angel, gourami, bolivian, and small tetras flake food as well as bloodworms. I want to try feeding them more greens at least once a week and I was wondering what everyone else uses and thinks the fish like the most. I have tried dried seaweed but it seemed there was more food ending up at the bottom of the tank then in there mouths. They didnt really seem to like it.

What do you guys think are the most healthy and effective greens that tropical fish would eat?
I do peas once in a while but they arent a fan of those. I'll tell you what though, my angels go crazy when I put a slice of blanched zucchini in there for my Farlowella... They LOOVE it as much as the Far.....
Well I put in a slice of cucumber in the tank and only my gourami even notices it and it only nibles at it a bit.

Should I rinse the greens under hot water first or any beforehand preparation I should do?
Yeah that's what I do, chop stuff up as finely as I can so they can all fit it in their mouths easily.

I crush the flake food between my fingers too.

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