Green Cory Making A Nest?

This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
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I just did a water change, and when I refilled I apparently made an impression in the sand near one of the caves. Now one of my green cories has been making the impression deeper and deeper using its tail (sorry, don't know the sexes). It's been doing this for an hour now. Should I be looking for eggs soon?
Corys dont lay eggs in the may just like sitting in the dip...

Corys tend to lay eggs on the glass,plants,any surface possible in the tank,they dont make nests :)
I know they don't lay eggs in the sand, but it was making a lot of movement too, looking like it was intentionally making the depression bigger. Picture it moving against a very fast current. That's the kind of movement.
Finally figured it out! The dip in the sand is where the water comes out of the filter and creates a bit of a current there. It hadn't done that before because I had the flow reduced, but when I cleaned out the filter (it REALLY needed it
) I guess I had the outflow turned up to the max. The cories love it, so I think I'll keep it that way. Whew!
:lol: my fry tank does that,it hits the bottom at the front and pushes the sand back,so i have put an ornament there so it hits that first and leaves the sand alone :rolleyes:
Well, I turned down the flow and the cories went back to their usual behavior. I turned it back up and a bunch of them swam right over to that spot! They seem to love it and are much more active with it turned up, so I'm going to leave it like that. There shouldn't be any harm in it, right?
They'll be fine,mine do the same thing along the front of the main tank,my filters run from back to front across the top the down the front of the tank and this is were they zoom around :lol:

I only stopped the flow with the ornament in the fry tank because the wee fry were being pushed around with the flow :rolleyes: bless them :lol:
Since I've got your attention, please forgive this off-topic question, but you appear to know lots about cories ... I have some albinos that were rescued from a bad tank. There were 5, 4 of them with no barbels. One of them recently passed — the one in the worst shape — but there are still the 3 with no barbels who seem to be all right, but I'm wondering if there's anything I can do for them? They now have a sand substrate and are all acting and eating normally, but will their barbels ever grow back?
Has long has you keep the sand clean and water quality good,they may grow back a little,but not to how they're suppose to be,the main thing is they can get bacterial infections through their barbels,if not treated then they will die,has they use their barbels to eat and feel their wat around.

Has long has they're eating ok they should be fine :)

Good luck with them and well done for rescueing them :)

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