Green Clown Goby

The petstore finally got their shipment of SW fish in today, two days late. More than half the fish ended up being dead, some not looking too good and some look absolutely fine. It was so horrible looking in the box with all the dead fish, they had some gorgeous fish in there, including an 80$ angel. I talked to my friend there and he showed me they had green clown gobies, four in total. They actually looked good and were swimming around. There a good price too 5.99$ so I definately will get one. I'm hoping they will color up some more like the picture n3ont3tra posted but right now they are a dark green. I also found a few yellow polyps on the ground of one of the tanks and am trying to convince them to sell them to me for a few dollars. Anyways tomorrow I'm going back up to the store to see what type of condition they are in but probably won't buy them yet and let them see how they do. I'm very happy though that they got some in, can't wait to get one. I get a warranty on them tomorrow but I'm not sure I want to risk it, I'll have to study them again tomorrow, I looked at them today for about 15min. and there's one I like more than the others. :good:
I found their colors depend partially on your light, i had a horrible light, and when i upgraded to one twice the watts, his colors immedaitely began to become brighter and crisper. If you just saw them when they were or just came out of the dark box they'd been in, thats probably why their colors weren't so bright :good:

Clown gobys are so cute to watch, and really fast swimmers :blink: Mine hides all day though usually, except for the morning and evenings, which ironically, are the times i feed him. :rolleyes:
Ya I would expect their colors to color up. Mine won't be able to hide too much, I can see all the hiding places he would hide in, such a small tank and there won't be any other fish in it. I'll probably get one next weekend and play it safe.
Got one today along with some frozen brine shrimp. Next time I can get to the other store I'm going to pick up some frozen mysis and sinking pellets that he was eating where I got him but they didn't have any of that food in stock. Hopefully I can get him eating flake and pellet mostly and frozen couple times a week.

Question: How many times a week should I feed him? Every other day or every day? How should I feed him the frozen food, I was thinking squirting it out right in front of him with this thing I have?

Its usually ok to feed daily. Just keep an eye on your nitrates in a nano and do a large change if necessary.
I just take a little cube of shrimp, let it thaw a little then stick it in the water and rub my fingers together to break it up into small pieces. The powerhead just blows it around anyways, once he figures out there's food, he perches on "his" rock and waits till a piece floats by and gobbles it up. He's really fast about it too, when i first got him i thought he wasn't eating because he was so fast to grab the pieces.

Good luck with him :)
Ok thanks. So far he's been hiding mostly. Tomorrow I'm picking up some sinking pellets for him. Later I might try the garlic omega one pellets too. For now he will have to do fine on the frozen. will let you guys know how it goes :good:
Currently I have been unable to feed him. He so far has just sat under a rock where I cannot get at easily but have managed to and squirted some frozen brine shrimp in front of him but he does not recognize it's food. Hopefully he will eat the pellets that I will get him tomorrow or he finally realizes frozen stuff is food. Any feeding suggestions are welcomed.
Try soaking brine in garlic juice.

I use extreme garlic made by kent
Remember too what i said before, Mine eats so fast i've actually only seen him eat 3 times since i've had him. Watch carefully :good:

If You're really sure he's not eating, if you haven't already, ask your lfs what they were feeding him; or possibly ask the place where he was before the lfs, what they were feeding him. What Whyme said would also be a good thing to try, or maybe some live shrimp might entice him to eat.

Good luck.

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