Green Cloudy Water

At the moment the fish are all quite small and are swimming around very freely. When they start to get too big I will move them to another tank.
Had such a green tank for 2 weeks I couldn't even see the fish! :sick: To be sure if it's algae put some of your tank water in a glass jar and set it out of any light overnight. It the water is clear and green has settled to the bottom by morning - you have algae. I bought AlgaeFix by Aquarium Pharmaceutical, Inc. at my lfs. I put 1 teaspoon in my 55 gallon tank at 11 AM yesterday. Today - my tank is as clear as if it was brand new! :thumbs: Me and my friends were totally amazed. :D It was a miracle!!! Hope this helps.
I use a product called P-Clear, I think is't masterpet anyway it works in 2 hours at the max and you only need about 1 cap for 160litres. You just turn off all filteration (u can leave bubbles on) and it clumps the algae and it sinks to the bottom. The fish can eat it or you can turn the filters back on and it sucks up the algae. Its a really good product.
I agree with finatic. I've never heard of an algae problem that bad. You could cover your tank for short periods at a time. I really wish I could offer some advice. Actually now I think about it. Seems to me you can plant some real plants and inject some CO2 and If the plant are health they should destroy the green algae. But I think I heard that from someone at the LFS. but they are the most reliable sorces :/ but it sounds as though you tried everything slae :crazy: Really hope it gets better :)
I think 12 hours lighting is your major problem! The green water is algae and that thrives on two things - nitrate and light. Your tank IS overcrowded so your filter will be pumping nitrate out by the bucket load. It's the algae that is keeping your readings down by feeding on the stuff. Artificial lighting with no live plants shouldn't really be on for more than about 8 hours daily.

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