Green Cloud


Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2009
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hiya folks

ive got a problem i set my tank up in december and been a nightmere from the word go with high amonina

but got that under control

the problem i now have is the tank started to go cloudy on thursday a white cloud so thought nothing of it but now its gone a green cloud and i carnt hardley see the fish what is it and whats caused it

see pic


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Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Have you used any meds.
tank is 95ltrs

i have 15 neon tetras

and sucking loches

ammonia = 1.0
nitrite = 5.0
nitrate = 20
ph = 6.0

ive been testing the levels and they have been fine ive done nothing to upset the tank so why is all my levels are out ?
Neon tetra's are very light waste producers, so that why the tank taking so long to cycle.
Are you touching the filter sponges.
Do you know any friends that keep fish who could donate you a mature filter sponge.

What's your location.

All you can do is keep doing water changes a couple of times aday, and increase aeration.
im in cheshire uk

the filter sponges dont seem to get any dirtier

so will doing water changes help this and what % changes
You can get green water when nitrite decrease and nitrate raises.

Go to tropical discussion and look at the pinned section. There a thread where members donate beneifical bacteria to members.

I would preform 40% water changes.

There this member who donates in your area.
Just pm the member.
couldnt i just add some more fish that are more waste produces ?
Not really.
Neons really need mature tanks of 6 months due to being sensitive to water quality.
Just pm the member for you.
oh right thanks

its been like this since thursday and i havnt lost any yet when should i start the water changes
You have to preform water changes as high ammonia, and nitrites levels can kill fish.
The fish can't breath, and the blood dosn';t flow right through the blood vessels.
Fish can suffer ammonia, and nitrite poisoning.

i havent got any tapsafe at the mo should i wait till tomorrow to do a change or will it be ok to do one now ?
If the fish are not laboured breathing I would hold off till you get some declorinator.
You can do small water changes without declorinator, but I wouldn't exceed for than 10% water change.
ok the fish dont seem streeds at all they are feeding ok and wimming around ok thats when i can see them lol

will the filter evently mature as this tanks been running now nearly 4 months i thought it was the filter fluval 2plus

so just brought a fluval 3plus and got the both of the running in there
I see that why it's taking so long.
Did you squeeze some beneifical bacteria from the old sponges onto the new ones.
no ive only added the new filter today and got both of the filters running in the tank at the same time

like i say the old filter doesnt seem to be getting any bacteria on the filter pads

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