More pics of Ozzy my green cheeked conure. I've had him nearly a month now This is his new trick I thought it would be fun to teach him to roll over on command (as ya do lol) and he picked that up really quickly, and now loves lying on his back!! he'll lie like this for hours!!
Is is so cute. You usually do not see a bird laying on its side for any reason. You must be very good with birds. I think your bird is awsome it is so pretty. You should be very proud of yourself.
With his little feet all scrunched up and that look on his looks like a little kid trying to be put in the bath tub with his feet all drawn up .
I think conures have those "NO NO NO" faces anyway! Though i prefer to think of it as an "I WANT" face with Ozzy He's like a naughty child sometimes!
He is SOOOO cute though! I've been able to train all of my birds to allow me to put them on their backs, but non would willingly stay there, Ozzy must just like it
He's a great little bird though, and he loves his baths so he's not really naughty