Greatest Marine forum!

Fishy411 said:
sam ehere but unfortunately i cant. I am working on the whole family of lionfish. I have submitted a Volitan and dwarf zebra which i think ineed to redo.
I just finished submitting the rest of the Centropyge I can do for now. Don't worry if there are ones you need to fix. You can edit after they get put up.
I started this forum 2 years ago looking for info on my FW eel. Authoiugh i only started SW 10 months ago i feel like an expert with the fish from everyone elses posts.
this is the only forum ive seen or use. but i havent been on lately because schools kickin me in the butt.
Fishy411 said:
i agree. Since i have seen a definate improvement even in the last few weeks. I am on this forum mainly for fw but sw too and i find that no one is scolded for ANYTHING.
Unless they want to start a nano-tank :p

Seriously though, I know that nanos can't be seen as just a shortcut to a SW tank and everyone here has been very helpful with my questions even if they are about my nano. I really appreciate it :thumbs:
actually if you pick the right fish a nano could be MUCH easier than a bigger tank. 12 gallons with 2 clowns or 2 firefish or 2 damsels or 2 small gobies. all those fish would work and should live healthily.
The main problem with jumping right into nanos as a starter is usually down to the local fish shops recomending them to unsuspecting people nin order to drain cash out of them. The number of times i have seen people with nanos with totally unsuitable fish in them which were recomended by scrupulous shops. People then comeon here for advice when they find something wrong and the first thing they are told is that they need to cahnge the stok in their tank! Not easy for them to accept when tey have grown attached to the fish of oucrse, then its forums like this that have to try and pick up the pieces and re-educate these people into what they CAN actually keep. Fortunately, i feel this forum has done this in a very constructive way. The problem with keeping people interested in the hobby and this forum in particular is to inform them when they are wrong but do so in a way that does not offend and only helps to show them that they are not poor keepers, they just need ot talk to the righjt people.

Keep up the good work everyone, i feel the formula is working so far on this site! :kana:

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