gray test kit results?!


Oct 9, 2003
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so i was testing ammonia with RED SEA test kits, and my ammonia chart is from white to dark yellow.. however when i tested my water its somewhat yellow but it has a color of gray also, making it really dark and messed up....
it doesnt happen with my 10g and tap water..... what is it!!?!?

its the only question i have left before i add fish into it. please
Is it possible that it is off the chart, like higher than the yellow? Although, I think usually test kits dont show darker than the highest level. I would try testing again and make sure your read the directions thoroughly.
i found out what was making it so dark was the dechlorinator, that i added to much when doing a water cahnge...

is too much dechlorinator to bad for the water or fish?
How much are we talking about!!! If you were suppose to add 3 cap fulls total and added 5 then I don't think that's too bad. If you were suppose to add 3 and added 10, now maybe??!!!

my dechlorinator is also a stress coat prtector and for the stress coat capabilities it says right on the bottle to add twice as much.........Example, my bottle says.....1 capful for evey 10US gall and 2 capfulls to also protect scales and stress coat for every 10US gall. I always add the 2 capfuls per 10US gallons. Does your dechlorinator bottle say any such things??


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