
Thats a very interesting read to say the least Jamnog. But the problem with that lies here......How many people are going to have just one or two spiecies of fish in their tank? The gravel is fine, how many years have fish keepers had corys and gravel in the same tank??? That site is suggesting that your tank mimic the natural enviorment of the fish. I for one have never had the pleasure of visiting the places where my fish come from, though I would love to visit them, I dont see it happening. But I am sure that there are places where that author didnt list or show that supports these fish. Many people have looked and yes there are corys and such that live in rocky areas as well as sand. We as hobbiests have to go on the words and research of others to do the best for our fish that we can. With that said you have to research for yourself and figure out what is best for your tank.
My decision to go with sand had several reasons, one being personal prefference. Another was that I intended to have clown loaches in my tank also so they were taken into consideration. I have live plants in my tank and I would have to say that was my biggest deciding point. I found my plants wasnt doing as well as I liked in the gravel so I started leaning to sand.
The whole discusion of sand vs. gravel is up to what is best for you and all of your fish. My plants are reacting great, my fish are more active and my bottom dwellers seem to be more playful. And isnt that what its all about......having the happiest fish in your entire tank???

Just my 2 cents worth

your quite right les and as ive said before i have had a sand tank in the past and i did have crabs in said sand tank and i did for a shor time unfortuantely have a loach that burrowed cant remeber what sort but i allmost never saw it. my putting that artical on was more to show that i agree with you that i was earlyer wrong about wether cat fish would do ok on gravel or sand. I thaught sand was no good you put me right. i looked it up that artical shows you where right. i was not trying to make a statment about people who recreate natural habitats down to the last detail. i would have been a hypoctyt if i did umm i cant remember where i was going with this... nope gone sorry.
No Problems M8, I was just pointing out what I felt was lacking in the article. There was several different types of water that the author was making reference to. As I said, it would be wonderful to mimic the natuaral enviorment of our fish. And if we had a tank full of catfish then a person could merge all of the different enviorments suggested. I just feel the writer could have worded it differently so as to not confuse people who read it. I personally feel that it is a disservice to those are new to the hobby. They read a site article like that and decide to do their entire tank for corys to make them happy. What they didnt take in to consideration is the rest of the fish in their community and that was the point that I was trying to make

Hope this clarifies my line of thinking

Just want to add something. Was reading in some of the posts about messes on the floor from the hoses coming out of the buckets on water changes. I bought a shower curtain from a cheap store for $1.00 and lay that out on the carpet. I put the buckets on it and wipe away the water after I'm done with a towel. This works for me :crazy: but I dread the laundry :blink: :D
Im cool. ;)
i can still remeber the 4 foot tank on top of the two tables in my room took up a whole side of my room white sand all along the bottom. large bogwood log siliconed in place all the plants just right... and water level slowly going down and the panic level going up. that was a beutifull tank looked big enough to take a bath in but i got a budget tank and perhaps i should have waited a little longer and got a proper stand. heres to waiting. in time i will get a proper tank again. p.s. is it wrong to want a lemon shark?
...another word of caution Mama (great googamooga I'm becoming the voice of reason) make sure the sand you get is NOT sandblasting sand. It is made with sharp pointy bits for blasting off paint and rust and will injure some of the more sensative fish. :/
ok just got a four foot tank and a load of sand standard beach sand nothing like that nice white sand i live next to a golf course and know where to get the white sand but was thinking it might not be a good idea to get that sand as golfers have been walking through it all day. was thinking about my under grav filteri cant immagin it would clog it as such in terms of what a filter does it shouldnt matter if the sand is on one side of the plate or the other. let me know if you think im wrong about this.

edit : i am wrong about this the sand just went straight thru the plate and got spat out at the top of the pipe silly me. so i got a different filter.
After reading all the posts, I decided that for my latest refurbishment of my tank (new set up as it had a silcon leak) that I will go for sand!

I phoned my local Mothercare looking for sand (nearest place that I thought would sell play sand) and I asked if it was sterilized but was informed that they did not know but it said on packet that it was non-toxic. Would this be suitable?

And the "MASTER" say's......................................

GRAVEL all the way!!!! None of that sand stuff for me. Had it in a tank once....for about 10 minutes and removed it right quick!!!

I have many clown loaches and a few cories in a tank with gravel and they do just fine!!

Nothing against those of you who want to go sand, just thought I would post a different point of view.

cichlidmaster Posted on May 14 2003, 09:23 AM
And the "MASTER" say's......................................

GRAVEL all the way!!!! None of that sand stuff for me. Had it in a tank once....for about 10 minutes and removed it right quick
What didn't you like about the sand CM?

Jazz_UK Posted on May 14 2003, 08:51 AM
After reading all the posts, I decided that for my latest refurbishment of my tank (new set up as it had a silcon leak) that I will go for sand!

I phoned my local Mothercare looking for sand (nearest place that I thought would sell play sand) and I asked if it was sterilized but was informed that they did not know but it said on packet that it was non-toxic. Would this be suitable?

Non-toxic is good, but make sure it says "sterilized" on the bag because the hardware stores around here do sell both types and I wouldn't trust it if it wasn't sterilized.
First and foremost it makes a mess when you do water changes. With 135 tanks that are usually overstocked I have need to go into the substrate and stir things up good to get all the waste and with sand this is just not possible without making a huge mess!!

I guess for those who have one or a few tanks and can take their time this would not be a problem.

Plus my personal preference is gravel. I jusy think it looks better!!

Pufferpack said:
Non-toxic is good, but make sure it says "sterilized" on the bag because the hardware stores around here do sell both types and I wouldn't trust it if it wasn't sterilized.

I found sterilised in a B&Q store not far from where I live :D

How much do I need to buy to provide a suitable substrate in my 48" x 15" tank?

Jazz you will be alright with a couple of bags, I used a bag and a half on mine and it looks great.

And CM hasnt seen my tank yet but after he does he will love sand........LOL J/K buddy

I like the sand but as CM pointed out it can be a total pain in the rear...... but I personally feel if you want to set your tank off thats the way to go

As I said....just wanted to add a different point of view!!!

I am sure there are some very nice tanks with sand substrates and I personally don't have anything against them.

It's what makes the individual happy that counts!!

Les.............I have seen the pics of your tank, and it is very nice!!!! Will see it in person one day very soon!!!

Someone has to give you a hard time and to be honest I will more than likely on keep 1 or 2 tanks with sand, I would never think of having a set up like yours with sand.......I wouldnt have any time for the board if I


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