Gravel Vac Not Working


Fish Herder
Aug 17, 2006
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I was doing a gravel vac on my tank, stuck the tube into the gravel. On my other tanks doing this woul pick up some gravel and then it would fall back to the buttom, this time it didn't happen. Why? Could this be because I don't have as much gravel as I should have (a few pounds less) or thet I don't have much crap in there.

Anyone ever use a (cooking) syringe to help put declor in the tank?
It could just be that the gravel is a different size or shape. It moght also be that the bucket isn't as far down from the entry point of the syphon which would give a less vigorous flow. Oh and I add my dechlor straight into the bucket of tap water.
If I had that happen to me, I would do a quick check of the check valve n the gravel vac being plugged. I have picked up the occasional pest snail with my gravel vac and it ends up blocking the tube right where the water tries to enter the tubing. The low flow means that very little water flow gives me very little cleaning effect even though the water does flow out of the tank and into the bucket.

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