Gravel To Sand

Helen G

Apr 13, 2008
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Want to change my gravel in tank to sand. How is the best way to go about it? (bearing in mind there are 5 inhabitants)
What is the best sand to use? Any other tips?

Thanking you in advance :)
a lot of people on here use play sand from argos i think,because its cheap and safe
Hi, smart move :good:

I'm guessing your tank is not too large as you only have 5 occupants (ok you guys I know they could be 5 adult Oscars in a thousand gallon tank! :p )

Basically, buy your sand (as suggested Argos playsand is both safe and cheap) and rinse it out over and over and then again and then once more for good measure. Once done switch off the heater and filter then syphon off some water in a NEW bucket (NOT the one you wash the car in ;) ) and transfer your fish into it. (cover and put in a darkened room, they will be ok for an hour or so) If you have an internal filter then place that in the bucket too but do not switch on, just keep it submerged so media stays wet.
Remove up to half the water and save. Then scoop out all the gravel (after removing any decorations and plants) being careful not to scrape it up the side of the tank (it will scratch!)
Once done have a suck round with your gravel vac to remove last of the sludge. Once happy simply add the sand to the required depth, add the old water and top up with new (dechlorinated) water. Replace the plants and decorations.
At this stage the tank will look awful due to all the disturbance. The water will be cloudy despite all the rinsing of the sand (how bad depends on how good you were at rinsing!)

Replace the filter and switch it on with the heater. Allow the temperature to come up a bit then introduce the fish as you would if you had just bought them (ie. slip them into a bag then float it in the tank for a half an hour to allow temperature to stabilize then trickle some water very slowly in from the tank to the bag and eventually releasing them. Do not feed the fish nor turn on the lights for approx 24 hours.
It may take some days for the water to eventually clear so don't worry.

These instructions are pretty basic and assuming you do not have delicate fish stock. Common sense may also be called upon ;)
Thanks for the great reply doresy :good: Although the mention of the word "sludge" is a little off putting :unsure:

Is sand better than gravel then?
I dont know a great deal about aquariums at the moment but I changed from gravel to sand a few days ago using the advice from the good people of this forum and I didnt have any problems at all and im cycling the tank at the mo so I was very worried I was gonna muck it all up. Anyway heres a before and after for you too make your mind up but I think you will agree Sand looks a lot better.
Also the sand i bought was from Argos, I bought two bags of 15kg sand and they only cost £2.50 each. Bargain :)


Thanks for the great reply doresy :good: Although the mention of the word "sludge" is a little off putting :unsure:

Is sand better than gravel then?

I used the word sludge as I don't know how long your tank has been running with fish. With gravel food and poo works it's way through and settles within it turning into a sludge which will be disturbed when removing the gravel. This does not happen with sand which is one good reason in my opinion to say yes, sand IS better than gravel.......but this is only my opinion
The only draw back I find with sand is that:
A) you have to keep replacing it when you syphone it up by mistake...Doh!
which is not such a big minus.

AND all the pooh does get about...When i clean out mine all the sand looks gorgeous and then when i put the new water in all the pooh that I did not see goes everywhere!

Maybe I have got too much stuff in my tank..hmmmm...solution BIGGER TANK! yah!
I will probably prune my tank back a little then.... to make it easier to clean.
Hey i think i might convert my tank from gravel to sand too! :shifty:
The only draw back I find with sand is that:
A) you have to keep replacing it when you syphone it up by mistake...Doh!
which is not such a big minus.

AND all the pooh does get about...When i clean out mine all the sand looks gorgeous and then when i put the new water in all the pooh that I did not see goes everywhere!

Maybe I have got too much stuff in my tank..hmmmm...solution BIGGER TANK! yah!

Na thats just life. it near impossible to get it all out. having a flow in the tank helps settle it to 1 or two places making it easier to grab. with plants its near impossible.

Still sand is sooo much better.

PS D3M looove the new look so much more professional and clean.....
Thanks Behold that means a lot to me when I get nice comments like that, you dont know the grief I got from my missus when I told her I wanted to swap £45 of gravel for £5 of sand after having the tank only 10 days :) She does like it more though, so all is good, phew!!!

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