Gravel over sand????


Fish Fanatic
Jun 22, 2004
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Hey i was thinkin about gettin some white sand to put in my tank
does any one know what kind to get and or how to change my gravel to sand without changing all the water
Ne 1 have sand and list some benefits :D
I have heard that you can get kids play sand (cause its sanitized.. they sell it at ace and walmart) and put that in there.. if I'm wrong someone correct me.

As far as changing the gravel to sand without taking out the water.. I personally wouldn't do it that way.

Also... make sure and rinse the sand REALLY well. Rinse and repeat and repeat and repeat!!!!!!
first, do not use that sand if you have a FW tank, if it is marine sand, it's for marine tanks only!

you can use play sand (thats what i use) or pool filter sand

easy to get gravel out, just use a net to scoop it all out, shouldnt take too long, even if it's a big tank

you must rinse the sand thoroughly before adding to tank, cant stress that enough!

add sand slowly, and turn off filters till it mostly settles, then do daily water changes to clear up water

there are many topics inthe equipment section, check there too!
see the problem is i dont want play sand i want something white
Like pure white
cuz everything looks better with white
i think the pool filter sand might be white, or close to it? also look for silica sand, think that is white? actually it might be the same type?... sorry never used either, but others here mat have
i was browsing some pics and found this

this is exactly the kind i want
hehe, that my picture.

thats a brackish water tank, so it has crushed coral. if your tank is fresh water, do not use that kind
if i did use like a crushed coral substarte or marin substarte in a freshwater tank what would happen???
hey i wouldnt recommend sand unless you really want it bad. especially if you have a biowheel filter because it will clog up the filter and get stock up in the biowheel. its a real nuisance to care for! ;) :(

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