gravel or sand?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 31, 2004
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1 of my tank peevs is seein dirt on the bottom of my tank after i clean it, i clean my tank regularly, 1nce a week. n i just cant seem 2 get the dirt up. do you think it could be over stocked? its a 30 gal. its messed up and embarassin when u take pride in ur tank and you see dirt at the bottom
Sand does show dirt/waste/trash much more because it sits on top rather than fall into the crevices of the gravel. That fact alone however makes the sand much easier to vacuum as all you have to do is clean the top and not actually get down into it like you do gravel.
Sand, hands down, is easier to clean. Unlike gravel, you can actually see where the poo and stuff is so you're sure to vaccuum it up :nod:
:thumbs: Sand hands down. :thumbs:

You will see more poop but that's because its not getting lodged down into the substrate like it will gravel and cause all that filthy pooey tank water. :sick:

Every fish that I have had has been much happier with sand. Its softer than gravel when the put it i their mouths to spit it back out, its also a lot better for cories and plecos and snails. Gravel is very harsh on the soft flesh of the fishies/snails.

95% of aquarium fishes' environment was sand at the bottom.
well, my tanks all have sand, except the mini ones, and when they are big they are easier to keep clean, except the live plant ones. I do know when they are smaller with sand you always see the poop, but in big ones, it will not look that messy with the sand, plus the fish will like it alot better.
is there a propper way 2 do a gravel so sand change over? lol any ideas? sorry 2 b a pain
well, usually people say do a little at a time, but that always made my tank a mix, so I just did a whole removale of the gravel, and put the snd in, or sand then gravel.
am i rite in sayin that it only makes sense 2 drain the whole tank if water? y does this sound like a great idea but 2 much work? lol
I just redid my 10 gallon to sand again because there was gravel at the bottom that migrated back to the top... I emptied all the water, put the fish in a bucket, scooped out the gravel, and poured the sand in... then just added new water and put my fishies back in when I was sure the temp was ok and everything. I was sure to leave my old filter media in so that the tank wouldn't have to go through a full cycle again with all the bacteria in the gravel gone

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