gravel/media from lfs


Fish Addict
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hi everyone! I've read about people getting gravel and other mature media from thier lfs to help with the cycling process. Pardon my ignorance :/ but do you just go in and ask them for it? Does it cost money? How can you be sure you won't bring home any unwanted diseases etc from that tank? also. once you have it... what do you do with it?

Thanks so much for any info you can provide!!

Yes, just ask. The worst they can say is "no". The Petsmart and Petcos might not do it (or even have any media available), but most good LFS will.

As far as diseases go...

If you're cycling with fish: Your fish are coming from the same tanks. Not an issue.
If you're fishless cycling: There are no fish to be injured by any diseases. In the time it takes to cycle, they should pretty much be gone.

Edit: All that said, make sure the gravel comes from a healthy tank of course!

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