Gravel in a fry tank


Married Lizard
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Residing in a big city in Minnesota, but I'm a cou
Hi all!

Here I am with yet another question about my fry and their housing :p

My eight Platy fry are currently in a five gallon MiniBow. Before I had the fry in there two adult Platys resided there. When I moved the fry in to the five gallon I left the gravel in the tank. In reading some posts, I've noticed that people recommend *not* having gravel in a fry tank. Should I remove the gravel now, or am I better off leaving it in there since the fry are already in there and the tank is most or all of the way cycled? How often should I do water changes in the fry tank and how large should the changes be?

The eight fry are doing *great*! They're getting so big, but they're still so little! I just love 'em! :nod:


aka Lizard
i personally find it easier if there isn't gravel. i have fry in the main tank too, and when i do gravel vacs, i have to be even more careful than normal that i don't put the vac down on top of one and suck it right up, becasue they can be difficult to see on some gravel,and mine pick at the food there quite often. so my fry tank is graveless. i just a used a filter that i had been keeping ina cycled tank so there would be some beneficial bacteria in the tank that way............ works for me so far :) since they poo alot and don't eat all i feed them, they make quite a mess on the bottom so i just clean that up every day with a turkey baster.
I would just keep the gravel and just to "water" changes until the fry are big and strong to be moved

Next time, get rid of the gravel if the tank is only for frys
Gravel is only good when there are larger fish (place to hide)

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