Gravel Cleaning


Fish Fanatic
Apr 14, 2013
Reaction score
St Columb, Cornwall
When doing a water change I use the vacuum thingy and go over the gravel.  However, the gravel is tiny and I lose loads of gravel.  Is there a way to stop that?
well using the gravel vacuum just watch how far the gravel is going up, when its close to the top stop and let it fall the continue... or when in the bucket, before dumping put it over a strainer with paper towel in it then pour... now put gravel back in bucket and rinse with water and boom put back in tank and your done :D
BerryAttack said:
well using the gravel vacuum just watch how far the gravel is going up, when its close to the top stop and let it fall the continue... or when in the bucket, before dumping put it over a strainer with paper towel in it then pour... now put gravel back in bucket and rinse with water and boom put back in tank and your done
Thanks.  I'll give it a bash :)
I have a much easier solution. Many of my tanks have sand and not gravel, so when I vacuum, I am at risk of losing too much sand. I lower the siphon tube above the sand, give it a light swirl, and the vacuum sucks up any debris without taking away my sand. You may be able to do this with your small gravel, too.
attibones said:
I have a much easier solution. Many of my tanks have sand and not gravel, so when I vacuum, I am at risk of losing too much sand. I lower the siphon tube above the sand, give it a light swirl, and the vacuum sucks up any debris without taking away my sand. You may be able to do this with your small gravel, too.
Oooo that's another one to try!!  I'll be changing water regularly just to give things a go :good:
With gravel you should be plunging the siphon into it so you can suck up all that gunk that falls between. If you're actually sucking up the gravel in your siphon, take a binder clip (not sure what you call it in the UK but it's the metal clip used to hold large amounts of paper together) and pinch off the siphon hose a bit so it's not so strong.

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