Gravel cleaner accident

Heres an update:-

Checked on him this morning, he whole eye has dropped out overnight and now left with a hole in the side of the head (awwww bless) he has eaten alot of flake today, i had removed him from old tank into his new one because a mickey mouse platy took a fancy to his eye!!!! (little bugger) the casing of the eye is still there hanging abit off but looks like it's healing up well, his coloured markings on his body is normal hasn't faded with stress or illness etc.

Seems to be coping really well for now.

It's been 3 days since accident.
I'm glad to hear he is doing fine.
I have my lionshead in a hospital tank of melafix right now. My 2 tin foil barbs decided after a year that they didnt want him in the tank with them. So they beat him up badly. His left eye is gone, and some of his membrane on his head is gone. Very sad. I've had him for so long and hope he will be ok.
I went out yesterday and bought him his own tank. That way he can be alone and heal without being bullied.

Hope yours makes a full recovery! :nod:
Eye seems to be healing really well, im just really worried about him and i wont stop until he is totally better. I can't relax until then.
Glad to hear he's healing well too! And I hope his tankmates will welcome him once again after he's recovered! :)
I am willing to bet he will be fine! :nod: Just as another example of a handycapped fish: I bought 3 rainbow bos and when they got in the tank I ralized one of them only had one eye! Hes done awsome though, eats great and shows no signs of trouble from the missing eye! B) Also had a cory get his whole mouth taken off by a blue crayfish. :crazy: He survived and after several months his little "wiskers" are finally back! :fun: Fish can cope quite well with a little TLC. :thumbs: Good luck!
Well everything was going really well and now i have hit a blup, slight ICH outbreak!!!!! arhhhhhh!!!!! struck out of nowhere!!!!!! 1 min it was there and then in a few hours it had turn into disaster.

Treatments in and fingers are crossed.
Awww bummer!
I hope the meds work and everything turns out ok!

When it rains, it pours sometimes huh?

Good Luck!

sounds like you have had some rough luck there. I wish you the best on the recent ich outbreak (i'm all too familiar there) and I am happy to here ole one eye is healing

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