Gravel change


Fish Herder
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
As I said in a previous thread, I changed my gravel from light blue :sick: to a reddish color. And I, for one, Think it looks 10 times better. I need to get rid of the skull and get some more plants, but my kuhli loaches love the skull :/

Here's a pic when it was blue......

and now here it is with the red with flash...

Flash off....

What do you think? :D I probably would have chosen a different color of gravel (a more natural color) but I got this gravel from a friend so it was free and I was tired of seeing bright blue :p
LOVE IT B) I put red gravel in my tank, though it is not as bright as yours is. I found that it added character. (use to have only white gravel). Also i myself think that it did make my tank bigger.
I must be honest, I am not a fan of coloured gravel, but I think the red is definitely more dramatic. I like the skull, though, it looks a little too real :D

I had a skull in one of my tanks about 15 years ago (during my gothic angst stage lol! :D ) I had a loach trap himself in it though whilst I was away :(

I love your angel fish! A few more plants would look cool, too! :)
Flash off picture is muuuuuuuuch better. Great change, much more natural, but I would make the tank background black to make it look even better.
Thanks guys :thumbs:


I love your angel fish! A few more plants would look cool, too!

Thanks! :D Yes, the plants are a must! I really need more to make it look "filled" -_-


Too be honest i liked the blue gravel better.

Really?? :blink: I suppose it doesn't look that bad, but when you're looking at it everyday you get tired of the light colored gravel :thumbs: Kinda hurts the eyes :p


Flash off picture is muuuuuuuuch better. Great change, much more natural, but I would make the tank background black to make it look even better.

I just put that background on the tank a couple weeks ago and I don't wanna change it cuz it was a pain in the butt to put on :X besides, I like it :p but black would look cool
I like sand or plain gravel myself, but the change youve made is awsome.

I dont know why alot of ppl dislike colour gravel?!?! I realy think that the plain colours make your fish colours stand out. :thumbs:
Thanks mr_miagi :)

I would much rather have sand or plain gravel too, especially in my african cichlid tank, but that tank has black rocks so its not too bad either. But for my 20 gallon I'm gonna stick with this color of gravel :thumbs: Until I start getting sick of the red color anyway :p
I love the red. It seems to go really well with the skull which looks really freaky...but it does look good. I also don't really like colored least not all completely one color. I have white gravel but want to add some red ones to it.
Good job on the tank though. It looks really nice. :thumbs:
Thanks mm.

I don't really like the skull :look: I only keep it in there cuz it gives my kuhli loaches and cory's a place to get out of the light and they seem to love it. ;)

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