Gravel Change?

Regular fish net works very well for scooping out gravel. Gravel vac first to lessen the murk :)
Argos sand is safe by the way, although I've spoken to a rep before from British Sands who source the playsand for them, and they haven't ruled out adding additives such as anti-mould or other sterilizing agents in the future which could harm fish. He said they put no onus on themselves for keeping it aquarium safe as it's not made for the pet trade - makes me wonder if fish warnings would even appear on the packaging!
Like I say, it is currently safe, I just worry it's a disaster waiting to happen because there's a nonchalant culture about adding kid's sand to fish tanks whereby people might not even check if it's still safe. Don't mind anyone saving a few quid, I'm skint enough to know too well what a mark up the pet shops put on legit stuff, just sayin' :)
I changed my substrate when I got my cories as the old stuff was too rough for them. I used my net and found it really quick and easy. Do take the fish out though, I got a real shock how much dirt it stirred up despite weekly gravel vac's
Well i changed to sand today, i think it was playsand my LFS sold me, it seamed to be, its still clearing itself up a little as tanks do, but i will put pictures up when it looks good :)
Thanks for advice, the fish seam alot happier with the sand.
Did you clean it? And you could have just bought some at a store like a big chain place that sells home supplies (tractors, lightbulbs, soil, plants etc.) most LFS don't sell playsand.
Did you clean it? And you could have just bought some at a store like a big chain place that sells home supplies (tractors, lightbulbs, soil, plants etc.) most LFS don't sell playsand.
Yes, i cleaned it.
It seamed to feel like playsand, but it doesnt act like playsand when in the tank now it has settled. Most of the stuff i saw at DIY stores were too dark for my liking.

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