
I have 3 Pearl or Lace Gouramis in a well planted 20 gallon tall tank. One is male and 2 are female. I started with 1 male in the tank by himself prior to his full maturation (males get beautiful fringes along the anal fin once mature) and added the females from a different source. The male asserted himself early on and within a week they developed a social hierarchy.  They most often swim as a trio, no aggression at all. It has been months that I have owned this triad with much joy. They are highly beautiful.
They are also among the most docile of the Gourami breeds. As another post mentioned above, it is best to research the fish before purchasing them in order to be certain that your fish will not only survive, but thrive peacefully in your aquarium. To me, they are decorative certainly, but more-so, they are living beings that I enjoy caring for and want to see their well being nurtured, as I am sure the majority of us here do.
I get endless amusement out of the way they use the long feeler fins with their environment and one another. They eat like chipmunks, storing the food in their mouths and playing with it. Mine like to spit it out and repeatedly re-catch it. Ah, fun little critters!

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