Gouramis and Tank Capacity


Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2004
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I have a 5G US tank - heavily planted - currently with 4 zebra danio in it, and I wanted to add 1 or (prefferably) 2 gouramis, any species that would be sutiable. Would this be okay? Or would it be overstocked? (There are also 2 apple snails in there, they are dispersable though)

I syphon the gravel weekly and do a 25% water change weekly, which could be more if needed.

So, which breed would be the best my tank?
Well to me looks like ur not overstocked Ur under, But anyways I say for a 55 gallon it depends on you, Is it a community tank, or Semi-agressive, But knowing many people I say u want a community, I say u get some dwarfs, Dwarfs are very peaceful, And do good in community tanks, I suggest u get 3-4 maybe 2 of them, U should add some schooling fish like cardinals, or Neons, maybe some harlequins, -_- , But dwarfs will be a good choice, Another good choices are Moonlight gouramis, They look peaceful and are very active, Not shy at all, :thumbs:

Moonlight Gourami


Dwarf Gourami

I think you may be slightly overstocked if you add a gourami. If you go by the 1" of fish per 1 gallon of tank rule then you're probably already at your limit. JMO. Good luck :)

IMHO then i think u should get a dwarf gourami,
gouramiguy said:
pearl gourami would be perfect ;)
or any gourami is good :D
but u should the pearl gourami you will love it :wub: :wub: :wub:
Naw I dont think pearls are good for that, WHY? :/

Pearls need a lot of space, And they need to have to swim, And they grow big, Around 6 inches, :crazy: So I dont think so, :no:

In my opinion go for a BETTA There nice and go alright with the Danios, But ur choice,
55gallondude said:
gouramiguy said:
pearl gourami would be perfect ;)
or any gourami is good :D
but u should the pearl gourami you will love it :wub: :wub: :wub:
Naw I dont think pearls are good for that, WHY? :/

Pearls need a lot of space, And they need to have to swim, And they grow big, Around 6 inches, :crazy: So I dont think so, :no:

In my opinion go for a BETTA There nice and go alright with the Danios, But ur choice,
I agree. 5 gallons would make a nice home for a betta and the danios
Damn - If someone told me that earlier I would have got a betta!! :(

I settled on guppies so no betta for me :eek:

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