Gouramis and neons?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca
I have a male gold gourami that is relatively tame. He is in with 5 platys and a candy striped pleco in a 20 gallon. The only fish he has ever been agressive wih was a dwarf gourami that I moved. I was thinking about getting some neons for the tank and was wondering if the gold would be ok? I realize they are all different with diferent temperments, etc., but as a genreal rule would they be compatible???
As a general rule they would be compatible. However, harliquins are hardier, colourfu, and a bit bigger too.

A group of 6-8 should do that tank with the other occupants you have now. :)

:nod: I have gouramis and neons. Initially the neons hid but when they realised the gouramis were no threat they swim amoung the gouramies. The gouramies are not interested in the neons only chasing each other!

All seem happy enough.

I say give it a go...

I have 3 gouramis and a group of 10 neons - no problems at all - the gouramis are a pair of breeding Dwarf Gouramis and a Red Honey Gourami.

No hassles at all.
yes neons will be ok with gouramis i have 4 dwarf gouramis in with some other fish and some tetras and the tetras feel as if they are just another tetra they swim around thinking they are gouramis they even compete with the gouramis to get food they really dont mind i hope i helped! :p

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