Gouramies And Bettas?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Isle of Man, UK
I am planning on getting 2 dwarf gourami once my tank is fully cycled, but wanted to check they were compatible with bettas?? I have a gorgeous betta splenden and don't want them to fight. Info on the internet advises against AND that its fine so thought I'd ask here? I can put him in a separate tank with my minnows if that would be safer for him??

Also, would getting 2 female gourami pose less of a chance of one of them getting bullied??

Laura x
Bettas and gouramis are generally a big no no, they both occupy the same area of the tank and both being bubblenesters, see each other as huge competition
Ok thank you, will start cycling a smaller tank too then. Is gender a big issue with DG?? I have read that the male tends to 'attack' the female if you have them in a m/f group. Don't think I have enough space for a trio??

Without the betta and minnows. I will have 6 platy and possibly 4 cory. Will I have enough room for 3 dwarf gourami?? Tank is 120L

Wrong section I know and probably not going to be a problem, BUT corys are catfish right?? Will they eat my other fish when they are asleep on the bottom of the tank??

Laura x
i think DGs are better kept in trios than pairs as you said the male will pick on a single female where as if theres 2-3 females it shares his aggression and gives them a break.

Cories are fine they won't eat fish (unless dead)
Thank you, I appreciate your advice :D I just rang the lfs and they have 2 dwarf gourami left, so I reserved them. The guy THINKS they are female but they are still small so he can't be 100% sure. They are getting another delivery in a week which is when I am hoping to pick them up so will ask if I can buy an extra single :wub:

Thank you for advice on corys too, he said they always have plenty of those so shouldn't pose a problem getting ahold of them :yahoo:

So excited to get it all filled up :fish: :fish: :fish:

Laura x

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