Gourami Suddenly Died


New Member
Jun 23, 2008
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Hi, had a tank set up for last 6 months everything going well,
all readings taken on API liquid tests, all fine on weekly basis,
regular water changes,

Then ysterday my dwarf gourami that has been in the tank since start up, suddenly started flipping around rapidly throughout the tank and at the surface, for about 20 seconds. then sank to the bottom on its side, and never moved, obviously dead.

Not sure why it happened, Any ideas?? why?
Hi, had a tank set up for last 6 months everything going well,
all readings taken on API liquid tests, all fine on weekly basis,
regular water changes,

Then ysterday my dwarf gourami that has been in the tank since start up, suddenly started flipping around rapidly throughout the tank and at the surface, for about 20 seconds. then sank to the bottom on its side, and never moved, obviously dead.

Not sure why it happened, Any ideas?? why?

internal parasite maybe, has it been showing any signs like you describe previously
No none what so ever, seemed fine i did notice the day before it was sort of out of the way a little but thought nothing of it.
then suddenly that happened. it was as if something suddenly killed it within seconds
They can show them signs when dying.
Had the fish gone thin or bloated up.
Any colour change in body or gills.
Any red marks on the body of the fish.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing, or laboured breathing.

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