Gourami Skin Peeling!


New Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Kettering, Northants
I've got a rainbow colour gourami, yesterday I couldn't find it. Saw it just now and it it looks as though it's peeling. There's an oval just bigger than a 5p peice on one side, and just a small line on the other side. What could it be? There's no new fish in the tank at all. It's clean and there's no problems with the water, I've just done all the tests in the master test set. There's a bigger yellow gourami in there, that has been chasing it. Could it be being bullied? I'm at a loss.


Also....it's in with 3 angels, 2 clown loaches, 1 upside down catfish, and 4 cleaning shrimp. Looking at him he looks burnt....could he have got trapped and burnt by the heater?
Peeling skin can be bad water quality, bacterial, parasites, and yes fish can burn them selves on the heater if it dosn't have a guard.
Issolate and get going on a bacterial med.
Good luck.
I treated him and he still died. I'm gutted he was soooo beautiful. I treated him as soon as you said, he still didn't seem to get better but he was swimming around and looked quite active and healthy. I went into hospital and when I came back on Wednesday evening, he was dead. None of the other fish in the tank has come out with whatever he had! Ah well....now what.

Sorry R.I.P.
Water change for a few days and keep an eye on the other fish.
Good luck.

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