Gourami Pictures For An Id Thread?

:lol:Good timing, PM'd you about 2 minutes ago.Thanks very much!:good:Addition; Please do try and get some pics of the sunset honeys, i'm really struggling to get pictures of honey colour morphs.It would be hugely appreciated! Thanks again....On a break from work but will update and add a credit tomorrow, methinks this topic will prove useful, its shaping up fairly well IMO.Your opinion?
i have a few pics around somewhere that i will post later. i will also take some pics of the ones at my shop today :good:
tell me, did you knowingly buy tattooed fish???? if no, then maybe you should do some research on them and how they are tattooed and then see if you condone both keeping this fish and, supporting the scum that sell them.

if you did know, tsk tsk to you. fish tattooing is disgusting and cruel and there is no place for it in the hobby!!! by buying tattooed fish you are supporting the people who are continually buying these fish and therefore, allowing a cruel trade to thrive. this makes the buyer as bad as the buyee IMHO

sorry germ, just couldnt let that one go by without saying something. will post some pics later :)
Cheers Fishlette, any pics much appreciated and needed :good:
Just in defence of the lady with the tattooed gourami pic, follow the link in post#20, trust me, you'll see.....

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