Gourami issue!

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Sep 10, 2024
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New York
I have a 20 gal tank that had already had a Red Dwarf Gourami as well as a few other fish… I recently added a Pleco and a Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami. The store employee asked if I had other gouramis because according to her “they like to be in pairs”. Little I did realize that this was completely the opposite information I should have been given. I blame myself for not researching first. At any rate, my existing Red Dwarf Gourami is now being super territorial and aggressive towards the blue gourami. I also had a Green Cory catfish that I found dead with its tail bitten off. He doesn’t seem to be bothering the other few fish in the tank but the Powder Blue Dwarf gourami is taking quite a bullying. Is there anything that can be done aside from setting up a whole separate tank for him? I’m not about to do that. I’m pretty sure I’m going to find him dead at some point whether it be from the stress or nipping from my red guy. Any tips???
Dwarf gouramis are fine in pairs if it's a male and female, but two males will fight to the death and the established male (red one) will win. Get the blue one out or wait for it to be killed.

You can take the blue one back to the shop and get a refund. The shop gave you false information and that should let you get a refund for the blue gourami.
I feel bad for the new guy because he’s just trying to chill and acclimate, but at the same time the red dwarf was there first and it’s more his domain than the blue ones.
I feel bad for the new guy because he’s just trying to chill and acclimate, but at the same time the red dwarf was there first and it’s more his domain than the blue ones.
Return the blue gourami. You've stated you aren't willing to set up another tank to separate them. Don't allow an animal you bought to die needlessly just because you've decided to do nothing about it. The blue gourami did not choose to be in that tank. You put him there. Implying that the red gourami has the right to defend his territory is like locking two feral cats in a room and saying "oh well" when one of them kills the other, just because you happened to put one of the cats in the room first.

Everyone makes mistakes or doesn't do enough research at some point or another, but you have the option to resolve this issue by returning the fish to the store.
Never say can’t.

Multifunction is the solution.


Well, I did return the Powder Blue… (briefly named Blue Ragu as a compliment to the Red gourami named Rigatoni, clearly the only time pasta and sauce didn’t mix) and he is now hopefully no longer stressed. Took the red guy a little while to calm down in the tank even after the other was removed, but so far he seems to be a little calmer than he’s been. So currently I have one red dwarf gourami, one pleco, and 2 small angels. Pending no more aggressive behavior from anyone, and given a little bit of time, what does anyone suggest I add in the future? Need some ideas that will be suitable tank mates.
I dont know what goes with angels but I have a blue gourami, 4 blackstripe tetras, 5 candy canes, 3 corys, 2 algae eaters (mine is all planted), 1 paradise gourami, 1 bleading heart (the other 2 died of ick), 3 lemon tetras


  • IMG_2027.jpeg
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A group of schoolers might look nice, just make sure they arent bite size for your Angels
I really like Lamb Chop Rasboras, Serpae tetras are pretty cool to and I recently realized that Black Skirts are pretty cool little fellas

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