Gourami And Tiger Barbs


May 19, 2013
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I have a 29 gallon tank with 8 tiger barbs that I am looking to find a larger fish to be in there with them. Most cichlids are out - besides perhaps firemouth and african butterfly cichlids.. but I'm nervous about them. So I was wondering if any gouramis would be a good match?
I have had 3 honeys and currently have 3 banded gouramis in with 12 tigers in a 240 litre and have never experienced any issues :)
As I understand that's about 55 gallons which is a little larger than my 30 gallon - what gourami(s) could go in my tank? :D Here's a picture of the fish tank:

Sorry for the bad picture!
I extremely extremely extremely recommend AGAINST any sort of fin-nipper (barbs) with any gourami. I don't know why anyone would endorse the abuse of the elegant gourami fish by putting it in with an obviously incompatible fish.
That's my stance on the issue.
Other people on this site recommend having the tank be species only.
Really? I've never read that.

My barbs have lived happily with gouramis since last year. The only conflict I've ever witnessed is the gouramis occasionally chasing the barbs when they're feeling particularly grumpy. NEVER the other way around. And I spend a lot of time watching my fish... :D
I just added an opaline to my 40g tank of 7 tigers and ended up rehoming the tigers since they would nip and annoy him to much. Mainly it was only 2 of the 7 I had but I wasn't gunna play any games so I rehomed them all. I'd advise against it, but you could try it for a day or two just see how it goes if it doesn't work return the gourami(s)
ncguppy830 said:
if only they were cherry barbs it would be fine
Yea I was going to look for them and add them but the lfs only had 2. I just added a bolivian ram to my tank and will probably get some giant danios to school in it, or celebs rainbows

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