Gotta love fish


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
Reaction score
just became an american *play dramatic music*
Here's the king of the tank, meet Mr. Whiteskirt (such an evil glare he's giving me eh?)

I just liked the way his fins moved in this picture...

My betta boy

Possibly the best picture I've gotten of my adult lyretail :wub:

Here's my pretty male fry flaring at each other(they don't quite understand who's a male and who's a female yet, lol)

Half black fry sharing the food with a cory and a black neon

3 cories and Captain Jack Sparrow in the back. I call this the " Evil Eye" picture

Now for the makeover pics. My tank before:

Tank now with alot more live plants, some more stones in the corner and plant to go infront of the log. Sorry for the bad lighting and water stains.

Another shot

Thanks for looking :)
:D Beautiful pictures snowangel! I love the patterns on your guppies! :wub: What kind of plants are in your tank? They look great! :thumbs:
jams.alaskan said:
How well does the bamboo do in your tank?

It does very well, infact we put it into all our tanks(including the betta bowls) because it looks nice and never dies out like some live plants. The cories and ottos often graze over top of it too.
Gabe- Thanks for the compliments, I loved doing the makeover on my tank.
Sasha- Plant types? oh geez i can hardly remember them. I bought the tall bushy plants(that are at the side of the tank) 4 hrs away from where I live so i never got the name of it, i have lots of java moss at the top and in the back of the tank, and then i got bamboo, and those big green and white leafy plants(how's that for names? lol). Anyways, I'm glad your a fan of my males fry. I'm selling 10 to a guy tomorrow. Gonna miss them :-(
where did you get the bamboo from snowy, lfs or somewhere else?
Thanks for the compliment eja :)
Doggfather, my bamboo actually came from Walmart and we just really rinse the bototm offs and away it went. We first tested it in your 10 gallon with the fry. All went well so we put some in our bettas bowls, then into my 29 gallon community tank.
gouramiguy said:
pretty tanks and fish. how many fish and tanks :/
Thanks for the comment :*) Right now I have two 29 gallon tanks, one 10 gallon tank, and three 1 gallon bowls(for bettas). When i finally move out, I already have a 35 gallon waiting in my new home and I'll give away one of my 29ers to my
For number of fish(out of all aquariums), I have 4 neons, 4 glowlights, 3 black neons, 1 white skirt, 2 bettas(one maleand one female), 5 cories, 4 ottos, 1 pleco, 3 snails, 8 male guppies and 6 females guppies then 150 guppy fry. I think I also have cory fry but their hiding on me :sly:

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