Got You Now Viscum Water Gardens You Dont Tell The Truth Rule Out All


Fish Fanatic
May 11, 2008
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viscum water gardens do not tell you all the info you need they lie to you saying angels and bettas are fine togethere when they are not my betta killed the angel
the fish they keep the tanks in are way to small they keep fighters in a little glass cup with about half a cup of water in it
it is time we ruled out thesse fish stores who dont tell the truth
well its your job to do the research, they are a business after all,and i dont think another "naming and shaming"thread is the way to go.only because of the fact they tend to get so heated IMO
Don't rate that fish store much so don't go anymore there fish are always ill.
All you can do is put a complaint in with the manager of the store.

well its your job to do the research, they are a business after all
I agree shel.
ive had a few dealings with viscum .... some good ... some bad..
i dont go there for tropical fish anymore , last tropical fish i got from there nearly ended in disaster for the whole tank
not too helpful either after the event, just saying my tank water was to blame .. any hoo ..
the pond stuff is pretty good there.
They are in the fish selling business, its their job to sell the fish, it doesnt necessarily mean they know what they are talking about.

Unfortunate for you, but in future you will learn to research before you buy, its the only way to make sure you know what is compatible and what isnt.

RIP Angel fish :(
The only thing you can do with a poor shop is avoid doing business with them. If enough people do that, they stop doing business because they can't make a profit any more. This is economic Darwinism in action.
Responsibility starts at home.

If the fish are unhealthy, that's the store's fault, and I'm very careful about getting healthy fish from tanks free of unhealthy fish (in stores with large central filters, I'll avoid the whole place if I think I see a white spot somewhere). Any problems that they don't bring home with them - water quality, compatibility, etc - isn't.
viscum water gardens do not tell you all the info you need they lie to you saying angels and bettas are fine togethere when they are not my betta killed the angel
the fish they keep the tanks in are way to small they keep fighters in a little glass cup with about half a cup of water in it
it is time we ruled out thesse fish stores who dont tell the truth

Actually its your fault for not do reseach on the fishes you wanted. You know, that mostly coworkers don't required to know all of the fish care, they have to know generally about PETS and supplies, not only fish you know? Keep betta in the half water in cup is normal til the betta are sold, almost every lfs does that.
Research, research then research some more. How else will you know if they're giving you verbal bullplop?.

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