Got The Api Test Kit.... Questions


New Member
Feb 12, 2011
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So I finally stopped using the test strips and got the liquid test kit.
I have .25 ammonia in every tank and the tap water looks like .125.
The nitrite and nitrate are fine.
I do weekly water changes.

So, what do I do?
Switch from stress coat to prime?
Feed them less food?
Give away a couple fish?

When you do the water changes
how often you you do a deep vacuum?
Every week, Every other, monthly?

I leave the lights on for 14 hours.
Should I get that down to 12 hours?

The fish are all doing ok for now.
Thanks for any ideas or advise.

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I only have my lights on for about 6 hours a day, 2 hours in the morning and 4 at night. I'd also feed a bit less to see if that helps. Also, test your tap water after leaving a glassful sitting out for 24 hours.

You should vac the gravel with every water change, IMO.

Let us know how big your tank is and who's living in it.
I only have my lights on for about 6 hours a day, 2 hours in the morning and 4 at night. I'd also feed a bit less to see if that helps. Also, test your tap water after leaving a glassful sitting out for 24 hours.

You should vac the gravel with every water change, IMO.

Let us know how big your tank is and who's living in it.


Are you reading your tests in daylight? As a lot of flourescent lighting, especially energy saving bulbs, can make the test look greener than it is.
Thank you! need to reply to you later. Please see new thread....
Thanks for the good ideas.

Yes, tests have been read in flourescent.

Like a deep to the bottom of the glass vacuum?

I will test tap after sitting 24 hours also.

I will feed and light less.
Yes, tests have been read in flourescent.
Yeah, try doing them in daylight; they might be zero or nearer zero than you think.

Like a deep to the bottom of the glass vacuum?
Well, yes, but you don't have to do the whole base every time; you can do half or a third one time and then the next bit the next time.

I will test tap after sitting 24 hours also.
Yeah, good idea; sometimes chloramin can give a false positive reading for ammonia I believe.

I will feed and light less.
Nearly everyone overfeeds and over lights their tanks; it's easily done!
Thank you. I'll give an update when I get the power outage spike under control.

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