Got Stung By A Catfish...What Species Is This


Jan 8, 2008
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hey guys. i went dipnetting last saturday and caught some new species for me, including 3 little catfish. they're not any type of catfish i know, and based on what should be in our waters they are most likely walking catfish.
can you identify based on this poor picture?


if you can identify it poisonous to get stung by one of its barbels? i ask because something stung me, and that was the only fish that could have done it. and that finger bled for a while and then throbbed and was very painful for about 2 hours, and then dull pain for another 2-3 hours...and all this from a fish maybe 2 inches in total length? :blink:

thanks for the help :good:
Pretty sure it's not a walking catfish (body shape isn't right). A lot of catfish have some sort of venom in their pectoral fins, so it's not that uncommon to be stung if you're not careful.
thanks for the reply. i've been told on NANFA that the fish in question was a Tadpole Madtom (Noturus gyrinus). It's a native fish with a range from upper minnesota to the southmost point in florida, so the range matches the ID and the pictures I found with that ID also match the fish I I caught a madtom :nod:
Well this might sound crazy but if ya get stuck by a catfish barb, what I do is rub his vent on the place that got stuck and it generally makes the pain go away,I learned that from a real old timer way back when I was pretty young. Not sure about the scientific name ID but we call those little bullheads here, I havent ever seen one get as big as flatheads or channels or blues, and we usually catch them in blackwater with a dipnet I havent ever caught one on a line tho...

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