Got Some New Fish

Oscar Betta

Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
I recently added 3 platys to my 20 gallon tank that before had just 3 albino corys. Im wandering what other fish I can add to my tank? Btw I'm also trying to figure out what type of platys i have. I remember they had the words "koi" "gold" and i think "metallic", but the name was really long so I don't remember it exactly.
I recently added 3 platys to my 20 gallon tank that before had just 3 albino corys. Im wandering what other fish I can add to my tank? Btw I'm also trying to figure out what type of platys i have. I remember they had the words "koi" "gold" and i think "metallic", but the name was really long so I don't remember it exactly.

lol, pic would be good :good: it would be a very good idea to put 2-3 more albino corys in there, as they like to be in groups ;)
I agree with fluffycabbage about that. Maybe some tetra's, they are very nice fish that look beutiful in groups. :good: Ifcourse, me being me, would defintly reccomend a Bristle-nose Pleco. They are the nicest little fish with so much personality :good: Another idea is to have a center peice fish- maybe a dwarf cichlid like a German Blue Ram, a Bolivien Ram, etc.
If I were you, this is what I would do.

3 x Platy's
6 x Cory's
6 x ....... Tetra (I would reccomend the Silver-tip tetra, the Cardinal tetra, the Rummy-Nose Tetra, and the Emperor Tetra.... look through some types, and choose one you like :nod: )
1 x Bristlenose Pleco

Let me know what you think, and we can adjust the stocking to what you like :p

Thanks for the responses. I would like to get some tetras, but i hear they aren't that hardy of fish. A pleco sounds good, I'm going to get some more today so I will look for some of them. Oh yeah, and I had 4 corys but one day when I went to feed them I just had 3? I still have no idea what happened, I never found the body of it or anything it just disappeared?
If you're worried about hardy fish then get a shoal of Harlequins instead of Tetras.

But the first thing I'd say is what sex are your Platys? Depending on what they are the first most pressing thing may be to get more females.
I'm not sure what sex they are, but yesterday I got 3 Dwarf Gouramis, all males. I heard sometimes they can be a little aggressive towards each other, but so far they're getting along good. How many more fish do you think I could fit? I have 9 currently.
It's more about the size of the fish than number. I have 17 fish in a 60l right now but I'm not overstocked coz 14 of those fish only grow to an inch big and also have very little effect on the filter. 17 Platys and I'd be in trouble lol!

You can tell the sex quite easily. On females the bottom fin is like a fan, on males it's pointed. Males harass females quite badly so if you have say 2 males and 1 female that's really bad for the female, they could well harass her to death. The recommendation is at least 2 females to every male.

As for the Dwarfs. Yeah you might have issues with 3 males, I know they advise people not to do that. But then again all fish are different so they might be fine.
So far the plays aren't bothering each other at all so I'm guessing they're all males. But I'll check to make sure.

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