Got Some Nerita Snails!


Fish Herder
May 3, 2008
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I looked for them a few times, but could never find them locally. One LFS would have trapdoor snails labled as them regularly, but I knew better.

Anyway, I was in today getting food, and saw two of them simply labeled, "snail, asst. ramshorn." They definitely aren't ramshorn, and after comparing them to pictures online, they're definitely what I wanted.

If they do end up laying eggs on me, I know they won't hatch, but I hear they're hard to get off glass. How can I go about controlling that?

Edit: Yes, I know about buying without researching fully - this is the first time, and since they were mislabeled as ramshorns, they were going for 25 cents each, and I figured they would all be sold in short order somehow.
I'm assuming we're talking about Olive Nerites? The eggs will hatch, but the babies might not survive.

They actually aren't hard to get off the glass at all. A simple algae scraper will knock them right off. I've heard getting them off driftwood, rocks, plants, etc was much harder, but I've never bothered trying to remove them since they'll eventually just hatch anyways.
They are olives, as far as I can tell. They're fairly small and have been hiding since I put them in the tank, so I can't get a good look at them right now. I'd understood nerite eggs need salt to hatch?
I also heard they needed salt, but maybe that's just to survive not hatch. I wonder if they could hatch in a like 1 gallon brackish tank?
Some people have bred them in freshwater, though others have been unable to. There is a theory that ones collected in freshwater (especially landlocked areas) are able to breed in freshwater, while ones found in brackish/saltwater are unable to. I'm not sure how valid that claim is.

Either way, all my Olive Nerite eggs hatch in freshwater, but I've yet to have any baby snails.
Yeah, it does. I'm not too worried about a snail overpopulation - I have Malaysian trumpet snails and do nothing to control their numbers, and I almost never see one unless they come out to eat lettuce.

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