Got Our Girlies At Last


Siamese Fighting Fish......The clue is in the name
Jan 18, 2008
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Went out today and found 4 lovely girls for hubby's tank. No names yet (will have to have a think) but they seem to be settling in well and love going in and out of the coconut cave :D The stress stripes from one have completely disappeared but one is taking a little longer and the other 2 didn't have any.

Should hopefully have my male halfmoon within the next 2 weeks.







Nice sorority! Are you planning on breeding any of them with the HM male?
Thanks guys......we're absolutely chuffed to bits with them. Amunet.....I see you have a striking sorority too they look fab.

Monty......yes we are hoping to breed from them once I get my male and he has settled in.

Cheers HollypOp..........we couldn't believe our luck when we saw them today. We only went in for some more plants :rolleyes:

Blue-Betta.....must have been separated at birth. Couldn't resist her colouring!!!!!
I just noticed.. girl in your 3rd pic looks like she'd be great with my CT fella heh. They have the exact same coloring it seems.


are these VT?
if so all your babies will be VT too!
and i suggest doing alot of genetic reading...
i made mistakes with m first spawns because of this!
We thought that too about the second one. If not then we have the option of getting some females from the same place as the male but will wait to see what they are like first. We will put as much thought into this as we have done with breeding our dogs and are happy to take any advice given :)
Hi all

The top Betta in Netty's pictures has turned out to be a male, so he is now housed with 10 Cory's which he totally ignoring :good:

When I switched the lights off last night, before we realised he was a male, they all settled down in various places around the tank (in pots, caves, under brigdes, in plants etc...) Unfortunately, the second betta in the pictures was nowhere to be seen this morning. The "male" was behaving himself until i had to net him for his move. I found the missing one, she had obviously jumped and had gotten through a small gap where the wires leave the tank and it was too late for her :sad: :sad:

I didn't even imagine a fish could have got through that gap and have now spent an hour being paranoid with tape and plastic sheet covering every single tiny gap. I'm not taking any chances of it happening again.

We must now go and get some more females as with just 2 i dont want them to bicker between themselves.


Good idea to make sure every gap is covered. We must have acrobatic females cos we just got back with 3 new girls. We had the 2 bags floating in the tank and when Hubby went to let them out, the bag with the one female in was empty and she was merrily swimming round the tank with our other 2. She obviously couldn't wait :)

Will try to get some pics later of the new 3.

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