Fish Crazy
very nice pics,a lovely looking snake,but rather you than me tho!
I know what you mean.I used to have 2 but the male used to go on crazy fastings for up to 6 months every year at the start of the breeding season.It didnt do him any harm but used to worry me sick.In the end i gave them to a mate of mine who breeds royals,still starves himself every year but feeds great the rest of the time.never again will i go for a royal Cant belive a breeder didnt keep feeding charts for his hatchlings esp for a royalvery nice pics,a lovely looking snake,but rather you than me tho!
I know what you mean.I used to have 2 but the male used to go on crazy fastings for up to 6 months every year at the start of the breeding season.It didnt do him any harm but used to worry me sick.In the end i gave them to a mate of mine who breeds royals,still starves himself every year but feeds great the rest of the time.never again will i go for a royalvery nice pics,a lovely looking snake,but rather you than me tho!
No its a royal thing in general,Mine was a CB male he was fine till he became an adult then he startedI thought that was all for WC abd CF, but aslong as it eats i will be happy lol, going to try 2morro she seems like she will eat (not sure how i know) just seems like she will. Well i will have to let you know if she eats or turns her nose up at the fuzzy.
Ive kept many reptiles in my time but my royals were my favourite by far. I had two, the first was called Monty for obviouse reasons and my second was Elvis.
I also kept iguana's, water dragons, burber skinks, tokay geko's, red tail boa's, rat snakes, king snakes, gopher snakes and a burmese python called 'the fonz'
Now i have to settle for fish, a do, a cat and a 15 month year old girl who is a fussier feeder than any reptile Ive ever encountered!